Entertainer Slumdog
Montreal quebec
Entertainer's Interests
I am Now
Hereby sharing
that which is a Revolution
of the Evolution of every
desired thoughts.

#iamreality *The Revolution
"The Truth Shall Make You Free"
Love I For Everything
(The Interchangeable)
Express Impeccability
Entertainer's Team
Entertainer is not in a team

  • Entertainer's Blog



    Mental capacity Act.

    Being able to call froth as Now made manifested.

    Mental capacity in spiritual acknowledgement is
    Supra naturally, collectively made manifested.

    Such ability is so powerful, it is knowing it is there
    And so it is.

    **Take Heed***

    Such ability can take the form of a total
    Express Impeccability.
    (Mind, word, action)

    *I say Onto you

    ★Use Your Mental Capacity★

    The Interchangeable
    Express Impeccability
    (Freedom Declared)

    #iamreality *The Revolution
    "The Truth Shall Make You Free"
    Love I For Everything
    (The Interchangeable)
    Express Impeccability.

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  • Jan 31st 2022 at 4:32 PM


    ★Artist Slumdog★

    (Questions asked)

    What is.. ??
    (#iamreality *The Revolution)


    *I say onto you


    is a process of total

    aweaness, of that which Is Not acknowledge is now

    Acknowledge. And that which is Now acknowledge

    Is Not acknowledge.

    (For example)

    Total aweaness Starts With OneSelf.

    Therefore, by such acknowledgement

    I ,Choose to become the

    total aweaness of the oneself of that which I am,

    In full demonstration an in full manifestation,

    of That which it is declared to be.

    #iamreality *The Revolution


    ★Artist Slumdog★

    ***Take Heed***
    *I say onto you
    I can not experience anything outside of myself
    without seeing it within myself.
    ***Take Heed***
    I cannot know anything within myself
    without a experience of it outside of
    *I say onto you
    How can I know if I don’t know?
    #iamreality *The Revolution
    “The Truth Shall Make You Free”
    Love I For Everything
    (The Interchangeable)
    Express Impeccability

    ★Artist Slumdog★

    🗣️>SO TO ARE YOU

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  • Apr 26th 2021 at 1:42 PM


    #iamreality *The Revolution
    "The Truth Shall Make You Free"
    Love I For Everything
    (The Interchangeable)
    Express Impeccability


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Jan 31st 2022 at 4:32 PM
Apr 26th 2021 at 1:42 PM
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