Rita Evans
Rita's Interests
Married 41 yrs. to my bestfriend, we enjoy travel, the ocean, atv's, fishing, and being free.

The Happy Pig Country banner
Rita's Team
Rita is not in a team

  • Rita's Blog

  • Jan 4th 2024 at 12:23 PM
    (Jan. 4-5, 2024)

    Good start to the day.

    It's a little chilly in Florida this week and it looks like the sun might be peeking it's head out just a bit.

    I've had very little luck with the internet here and in keeping in touch with folks when they get here at the Resort.

    *Note to myself: Never, ever go anywhere with my own internet again. Especially when work plans are made.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year and moving towards your goals.

    I'd love to meet some people while I'm in Florida if you're around the area.

    ...keeping my jacket and blanket on while on the balcony waiting for the sun.

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  • Jan 1st 2024 at 7:08 PM
    (Jan. 1, 2024 - Jan. 5) Workshop

    Hello everyone, Jan. 1 - Jan. 5th, 2024
    Happy New Year,

    I'm sitting in Kissimmee, Florida at Westgate, Villas and had plans of doing a week long workshop helping people build their online business of a variety of sorts.

    However, I had a ruptured disk and surgery that had other plans.

    I am sitting here, and wishing I had gathered up some of the workshop items, but physically unable to.

    If you are in or near Kissimmee, Fla. head over to the Westgate some time during the week.

    Bring your merch to share with other business owners, and come see how we can throw together something and build for the first week of the new year.

    I would love to meet you and see how we might be able to brainstorm, learn from one another, and grow our online business.

    The original week was going to run $5,000 for the week - physical and online business tools and information, one on one help with your online build, and more.

    The back surgery has slowed me down to, well, it feels like I'm a sloth. Yep, I suppose that would best describe it.

    Knowing this, I would have needed a lot of help.

    If anyone would like to come to the Resort, don't pay until you meet me and see I'm a real person at a real place.

    I've always been a little leary of the same thing. So I go meet the
    people before investing my time.

    For that, I've met some really amazing people with some really treasured secrets about online work that they don't share with everyone.

    So, I'd like to do the same. Although the price will not be that, as I'm going to sit and enjoy time, getting to know people and walking through questions and probably learning from you as well.

    Due to the sudden timing of everything, I'll work with what I can work with. I don't have anything prepared, but I can help you build an online business.


    Here's to a New Year building with success, meeting new friends, and helping every member possible build a thriving and successful business.


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  • Dec 8th 2022 at 7:02 PM
    CoolCatHits/My Dec. Stats

    Hi there,

    I want to keep this somewhat updated so in order to do that I'll share my stats
    *Keep in mind this is very part time and there's a so much more your brand will be able to do.

    Log In: Cool Cat Hits . com
    Get into the habit of logging in on another tab when opening email. Then open your email.

    My minimal efforts have received:



    Text Ads

    * Take a moment and add your brand by checking out the banner below.
    * Register with your information including your payment options.
    * Check your email for any verification information links.
    * Upload your professional photo
    * Grab your ad package

    Here's to your success,


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  • Nov 17th 2022 at 9:22 PM
    Holiday Thoughts and Wishes

    Hello from a fellow member of
    Cool Cats Hits . com,

    the advertising website that will help
    your brand or business move forward
    in an ever changing world.

    While the holidays here in the Midwest USA
    are quickly approaching and bitter cold takes
    the air from the lungs, the idea of a way to
    stay at home runs through the minds of
    people who would like to change their
    current situations.

    That's completely normal and okay,
    you're not alone.

    Cool Cat Hits . com can take the dreams
    you had for your goals and help you build
    even while working in your current
    circumstances in many cases.

    If you're excited about the holidays,
    helping people, and / or interested in
    building something more for your own
    personal future; then share this email
    and your profile link below.

    Member: go ahead and log in
    Non-Member: Register and verify your email.

    Your profile:
    Share your profile with business
    friends and associates, and keep it updated
    with your progress.

    Once you register, be sure to watch for the
    Cool Cat Hits . com emails.

    OTO (One Time Offer) - Best prices and great
    way to build your business faster. These offers
    come up when you log in to the website.

    * Grab as many OTO's as possible for the best outreach at the lowest possible prices: It's a win-win.

    Start Here:

    I look forward to seeing your success,


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  • Oct 15th 2021 at 7:06 PM
    Hello Cool Friends

    Thank you for taking time to connect with me here, I appreciate your taking the time to peek your head in, now take a moment to say hello and let me know you stopped by.

    If you haven't already connected with me, take a moment to do that also

    Under my photo is a place to connect. When you do, you'll get updates.

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  • May 8th 2021 at 9:35 PM

    Hey there,

    If you've stopped by this page, either by accident or by purposeful design, please let me know you were here.

    It's a great time to reflect on what is really important in life.
    If waking up this morning and having the ability to use legs, or even dress myself means giving thanks and encouraging others, then so be it.

    Not everyday is going to be a good or perfect day, however, when in the moment, in the mili-second of the moment, reflect and give thanks for something.

    Those are the things that help us understand there is so much more to life than what we perceive it to be.

    What is your passion?
    What can you share that will encourage someone else to have a little joy in the heart and a little eager expectation in things to come?

    My Passions consist but are definitely not limited to God, Family, Travel, Ocean. being free and outdoors as much as possible. Loving life!

    I'd like to invite you to connect with me here on Cool Cat Hits

    Happy Mother's Day Thought:

    Check out this advertising site:

    If you're a cat lover, this is a cute design.

    I like this banner personally because it's so much easier to see. :-)

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  • May 8th 2021 at 11:48 AM
    Happy Mother's Day

    For mothers both on the earth and in the heavenlies,
    wishing the mother's a Happy one to call their own.

    Enjoy the day, treat those you are able to treat, but mostly,
    give the moms still living a hug, smile or some type of way
    to let moms know they are loved and appreciated.

    The banner below offers you advertising opportunities.

    Might be an odd Mother's Day Gift, but if your mom
    owns a business, and loves cats, this might be a
    great way to show some love on her special day.

    Add Your or Her Brand to this website and watch
    her business grow.

    Start the process by clicking the banner below.
    (Yes, that's me on the banner too.)
    I'm a mom, no cats anymore, but have a business
    and I personally think this would be a pretty
    cool idea for your mom and her business.

    Just Sayin'

    ....mom, daughter and married to hubby for 39 yrs.
    May 28th.

    I'd like to invite you to connect with me here:
    RitaAnn~ Cool Cat Hits

    Happy Mother's Day Thought:

    Check out this advertising site:

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  • Dec 25th 2020 at 1:03 PM
    A 2020 Merry Christmas

    Welcome to Cool Cat Hits and thank you for stopping by this little page of mine.

    At this point this year has been a little off center, to say the least.

    We are blessed to have had another year, though many have passed on.

    My heart goes out to those who have lost a loved one as many of us have throughout the years. This time is especially hard emotionally for so many.

    I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    Here's what I enjoy doing:

    I sit in my pj's all day and turn on Christmas music.
    If you have the old albums and working music player, go turn it on and enjoy the Christmas day where ever you might be.
    Dance around the living room or kitchen with yourself or anyone that happens across your path.

    I'm unable to really dance anymore, my back isn't allowing much but I can dance in my mind. I call it "Mind Dancing" and it's a way a person unable to get out of bed would make the best of any given day. I began my mind dancing journey during a long wheel chair journey at one time in my life. I was 16 and learned a bit early how to be settled in without being able to move.

    I've come a long way since then and want to encourage you to keep your chin up and know that no matter what your circumstances, there's always something bright we can find in the situation.

    Today is no different.

    Merry Christmas and I'm thankful you've had the opportunity to be here in this moment and time in life.

    Here's to seeing you online and successful,

    I'd like to invite you to connect with me here on Cool Cat Hits

    Happy Mother's Day Thought:

    Check out this advertising site:

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  • Nov 9th 2020 at 9:28 PM
    What to do when:

    Hi again,

    I'm glad you're here on Cool Cats hits, thanks for stopping by.

    What to Do When You First Register at CCH

    Write down your exact User Name and Password,
    I've lost mine before and locked myself out of sites
    trying to remember.

    So, I'd like to be sure that doesn't happen to you also.

    * Write down the website, and password info.
    If you've already registered, I'd like to remind you
    to go into your email and verify the email by
    clicking on the link in your Welcome email.

    At times email providers will block a perfectly
    good website because someone opened an
    email and though they register, it doesn't look
    like a site they remember; it happens all the time.

    To keep this from happening, always check your
    spam folder first thing when you open your
    email daily, and make sure your email isn't being missed.

    * Enter your "Profile" information, address,
    payment options, and upload a Professional
    Business Pic or Logo

    Each day check your email for more information.

    If you don't have a business you're
    working on, that's great also!

    Cool Cat Hits is a business in itself and can help you
    become a small business owner, full or part time work,
    by promoting the tools and training at CCH.

    With Cool Cat Hits Traffic site, you'll have
    banners to work with, a social tool to share
    your experiences while working on the
    Cool Cats Hits site, and other tools, rewards,
    and contests you can participate in.

    The great thing about the banners is how simple
    it is to copy and paste them into the page.
    You can use this blog, like I'm doing here,
    and/or your own website page.

    It's so easy!

    To find your banners:

    Log in to CCH On the menu you'll see "Referrals" -
    click that, and you'll see

    "Referral Toolbox" click that.

    Scroll down until you see the banners.

    Choose which banner you'd like to add to your social
    blog and then copy and paste it into the area you'd
    like to see it.

    For larger banners such as this, just leave the code
    the way it is.
    The larger banners don't work as neatly in this social profile, but you can add them to your web page and you can get a feel for how they'll look on your own site.

    Go try it now on your own social blog or page.

    Look at the top of this page and see "My Profile"
    it will take you to your personal profile social blogging area like this.
    Once you log in, you can also copy and paste this link for your profile page:
    You'll keep updates on how you're doing on Cool Cats Hits.

    Welcome people to your page, tell them a little about
    your new adventure here at CCH, and add your banner.
    Add more if you

    prefer, and start your journey earning income online
    just like that.
    I really appreciate the use of banners on my pages
    to help it look a little more colorful.

    Here are a few more banners you can choose from:

    This will give you a small glimpse as to some of the
    tools available to you at Cool Cat Hits.


    I'd like to invite you to connect with me here on Cool Cat Hits

    Happy Mother's Day Thought:

    Check out this advertising site:

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  • Nov 9th 2020 at 12:45 PM
    Welcome to Cool Cats Hits

    Hello, thank you for stopping by this page.

    I'm RitaAnn~
    I've been learning about the traffic at Cool Cat Hits
    recently and would love for you to join me.

    >>> If you're seeing this page, head over to
    the information under my profile and
    connect there.<<<

    Connect with me here & follow along with my
    Cool Cats Hits journey.

    Cool Cats Hits has a personalized banner that
    allows you to add your own photo.

    Although my photo appears to do what
    it wants to do no matter what I try,
    it's still an interesting idea
    to have a pre-made banner, with no
    work or funds required from me to
    be personalized with my photo.

    I love that!

    Your Business Brand will receive exposure.
    This advertising website is easy to get started with.

    *Click the banner below,
    * Register,
    * Add your profile information
    * Check your email daily.

    For those who want to earn income:
    The key is to open your email every day and
    follow the instructions.

    You can earn income adding your brand or service.

    If you don't have a business, share this.

    How to get started:
    The banner below will help you get started.

    Verify your email.
    Fill out all information on your Profile.
    Check your email every day.

    I'd like to invite you to connect with me here on Cool Cat Hits

    Happy Mother's Day Thought:

    Check out this advertising site:

    I look forward to seeing you on the site,


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Rita's RSS Feed
(Jan. 4-5, 2024)
Jan 4th 2024 at 12:23 PM
(Jan. 1, 2024 - Jan. 5) Workshop
Jan 1st 2024 at 7:08 PM
CoolCatHits/My Dec. Stats
Dec 8th 2022 at 7:02 PM
Holiday Thoughts and Wishes
Nov 17th 2022 at 9:22 PM
Rita's Friends
showing 18 of 18 total friends